December 6th,PM - Pastor Scaglione
The Providence of Ezra - Ezra 1


December 13th, PM - Pastor Scaglione
The Return of the Remnant - Ezra 1:5-2:7


January 3rd, PM: Pastor Scaglione
The Faithfulness of God
: Ezra 4-6


January 24th, PM: Pastor Scaglione
The Good Hand of God
, Part 1: Ezra 7


January 31st, PM: Pastor Scaglione
The Good Hand of God
, Part 2: Ezra 7


February 7th, PM: Pastor Scaglione
The Good Hand of God
, Part 3: Ezra 8


February 20th, PM: Pastor Scaglione
"The Good Hand of God, Part 4!" Ezra 9


February 27th, PM: Pastor Scaglione
"The Grace of God" Ezra 10
